Various Flemish entities support local authorities that want to make their neighbourhoods more sustainable with issues such as climate resilience, the green-blue network, the social fabric, accessible layout, the STOP principle, etc.
These entities each have their own focus and their own strengths and weaknesses. This learning network is looking for ways in which these entities can learn from each other, and thus take the local strengthening of neighbourhoods to a higher level.

Together with the agency 'Binnenlands Bestuur', 4 trajectories were chosen: the urban renewal projects of the agency 'Binnenlands Bestuur', the village policy of the Flemish Land Agency, the climate districts of Labo Ruimte and the impulse projects of the Department of Space.

In this trajectory, the offer of the Flemish Government towards local administrations was discussed in four targeted workshops and a 'field scan' was organised to outline the questions of local initiators.

On this basis, connections were made between the outcomes of the Flemish workshops and the local scan, and several recurring situations were identified in which the Flemish authorities could organise their support programs.

2018 - 2019
Departement Kanselarij en Bestuur
Jakob, Seppe