
How can we develop an adaptable, affordable and circular housing model?

Cultural House Hoogstraten

How can we envision a cultural centre as 'third place'?

Study Dry-docks Antwerp

How can we create a new future together for a historic port site?


How can we develop a platform to cooperative redevelop underused buildings?

Publiaction '10 years Endeavour'

How can we celebrate ten years of Endeavour?

Turnhout city farm

How can we bring together enthusiastic entrepreneurs to make a sustainable place?

Repurposing The Aa Site in Leuven

How can we develop a strategy for alternative city-making?

City-building 2.0

How can we create a new generation of urban public buildings?

To + Them (Leertraject Tijdelijke Werkplekken)

How can we let temporary workplaces learn from each other?

Repurposed church Poppel

How can we give churches a meaningful new purpose?

Cooperative Housing Study

How can we scale up an alternative to buying or renting in Belgium?

Repurposed church Massenhove

How can we give churches a meaningful new purpose?

Anticipatory repurposing

How can we anticipate demand for space?

Vlaio Living Lab

How can we combe the advantages of buying and renting?

The Kruierie Balen

How can we allow existing and new partners of a library and leisure centre to create a third place?

Studio Repurposing Churches

How can we redevelop empty churches to serve communities?

Feasibility study Graventoren & Getijdenmolen Rupelmonde

How can we use heritage as a tourist destination?

Let's buy the Police Tower

How can we collectively buy and develop a highrise?

Repurposing profiles for churches

How can we streamline the repurposing of churches?

Begijnendreef Turnhout

How can we create a circular hub with a city and its inhabitants?

Team vivid cores

How can we work together to create attractive trade centers?

Westende Bad

How can we compact and renew at the coast?


How can we identify modes of learning outside formal settings?

HEIM - living in diversity

How can we support integration by design?

Repurposed church Sint-Jozef Ambachtsman Ginderbuiten

How can we give churches a meaningful new purpose?

Real Estate Strategy for Global Works Lier Region

How can we provide more temporary emergency and transit housing?

Repurposed church Sint-Catharinakerk Kiel `

How can we give churches a meaningful new purpose?

Publication 'End of Mandate Bouwmeester Maître Architecte'

How can we bring together ten years of achievements?

Citadel Diest

How can we set up a PPS based on local values?